e-Toll Slovakia ’06
Archive of contributions
Here are all available contributions (slides and/or texts)
Opening of the Conference
Mission of the conference
doc. Miroslav Svítek, Matej Bel University in B. Bystrica
Strategy and regulation
moderator: prof. Tatiana Čorejová

Opening lecture
Peter Barek, Ministry of Transport, Posts & Telecommunications

Tolling Systems and Legislative Processes
Peter Pelegrini, National council of the Slovak Rep.
European e-Tolling Implementation Policy
John Berry, European commission
Coffee break 
Instruments of Active Transport Policy
prof. Petr Moos, CTU in Prague
Electronic Tolling as Inevitability
Tibor Schlosser, IDS Slovakia
Tolling Experiences and Expectations of Transport and Forwarding Companies
Peter Halabrín, ČESMAD Slovakia
František Komora, Association of Logistic & Freight Forwarding
Electronic toll collection systems
moderator: Roman Srp
Architecture, Standards, Interfaces and Interoperability
prof. Pavel Přibyl, ITS&S Czech Republic

Slovak Research and Development Activities
Ľubomír Palčák, Transport Research Institute

Implementation of Tolling Systems Around The World
Ian Catling, IC Consultancy
E-Tolling in Slovakia - Demands and Possibilities
doc. Aleš Janota, University of Žilina
Tolling technologies (workshop)
moderator: Tibor Schlosser
An overview of Existing Systems and Actual Developments
Erich Jaekel, EFKON

Finding An Optimal Tolling Approach in Slovakia
Norbert Schindler, Siemens

Tolling Systems for Slovakia
Martin Záklasník, Satellic Traffic Management
Coffee break
Trends in European Tolling Viewed from A Technology Provider
Michael Gschnitzer, Kapsch TrafficCom
Smart Moving - Look to Stockholm
Morten Bratlie, Q-Free
Influence of ETC Implementation on The Infrastructure Development
Bruno Corthier, SANEF
Hybrid OBU for European Tolling Systems
Vladimír Vejvoda, konsorcium VETRONICS
Deployment of electronic toll collection systems
moderator: doc. Miroslav Svítek
System View on Overlay Telematic Services
doc. Miroslav Svítek, Matej Bel University in B. Bystrica
Experiences of Czech Tolling Implementation Process
Jiří Nouza, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
Risks, Best Practice, Unambiguous Assignment Specification
doc. Václav Jirovský, Charles Univesity
Build-up Experiences of Tolling System
Zdeněk Pliška, ELTODO
Coffee break
Transport Impacts and Acceptability of Tolling Systems - Models and Survey
Paul Riley, Babtie
Optimal Dislocation of Tolling Components
Michal Balog, Technical univesity in Košice
Roads and Highway Cost Values and Toll Determination
doc. Milan Valuch, University of Žilina
Impact of Electronic Tolling Implementation on Transport and Economy
Ján Mikula, Transport Research Institute
Toll collection system for Slovakia
moderator: prof. Jozef Gnap
Basic Concepts for Tolling System Implementation in Slovakia
Ing. Juraj Fürst, National Highway Company
Project Management and Implementation Set Up
Terry O'Neill, Mot Mc Donald
Concept of Electronic Tolling Systems in Slovakia
Pavol Kirchmayer, Ministry of Transport, Posts & Telecommunications
Results of Actual Tolling Studies
Peter Schlosser, Slovak Road Administration
Technical break, coffee
Current Questions of EFC Implementation in Slovakia,
Discussion panel, moderator: Branislav Ondruš
Peter Pelegrini, National council of the Slovak Rep.
Pavol Kirchmayer, Ministry of Transport, Posts & Telecommunications
Peter Havrila, Slovak Road Administration
Juraj Fürst, National Highway Company
prof. Milan Dado, University of Žilina
Milan Ištván, Partnerships for Prosperity
Representatives of companies: Kapsch TrafficCom, Satellic Traffic Management & Siemens