1st Space Technology Course
1. 11. - 10. 12. 2010

CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Na Florenci 25, Praha 1, Czech Republic


3.1.2011: images from the course
Photos from the course were published. You can find them in photogallery.

3.12.2010: programme update
Because some of the lectures were presented during excursion in Munich, the Course programme was modified. The Course ends on Thursday 9.12.2010 (see actual programme in download section below).

23.11.2010: Munich excursion departure
Excursion starts on Wednesday 24.11. at 8:30 from bus platform next to Zličín Underground Station, stand ČEDOK. Bus will be marked with "STC".

15.11.2010: course venue on Monday 22nd November was changed
On Monday 22.11.2010 the course will be held in Štěfánik Observatory in Prague. Detailed information will be send to all participants by email as soon as possible.

1st Space Technology Course starts on Monday 1.11.2010 at 9:00 in room No. 7 in the building of Faculty of Transportation Sciences of CTU in Prague, address: Florenci 25, Prague 1 (for map with the course venue click here). The classroom will be opened for participants from 8:30 AM. Presentations will be available continuously in electronic form. We recommend you take a laptop with wifi connectivity.

As presentation equipment will be available a laptop with remote control connected to projector or you can use your own laptop connected to projector through VGA interface.
We recommend you to have a backup of presentation (flash disk, CD ROM or placement in internet storage).
 It is desirable to test your presentation before the lecture starts - appropriate time is during coffee or lunch breaks or before the course starts.


Download Documents
Flyer (CZ)
Application (CZ)
Programme of the first part of the Course - final version
Programme of the second part of the Course - update
Programme of the third part of the Course - update