Gallery Date Place
Czech- Korea ITS forum 28.5.2015 Rudna 28.5.2015 Prague
Czech- Korea ITS forum 28.5.2015 Diplomat 28.5.2015 Prague
Robust Satellite Positioning and ITS in Practice 13. 6. 2014 13.6.2014 Prague
Robust Satellite Positioning and ITS in Practice 5. 6. 2014 5.6.2014 Prague
Czech ITS Forum on Super-computing in Transportation 2013 25.11.2013 Brussels
Czech-Austrian Forum on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) 16.5.2013 Vienna
Robust satellite positioning and ITS in practice 23.1.2013 Prague
EASY OBU Workshop 2012 22.11.2012 Roztoky u Prahy
Transport Topics Gallery
Czech ITS Forum on D2D Seamless Mobility & Public Transportation Management 1.12.2011 Brussels
ELECTROMOBILITY 2011 12.-13.5.2011 Prague
Space Technology Course Galery 1.11.-10.12.2010 Prague
ASE Prague: Closing Ceremony in Bethlehem Chapel 4.-10.10.2009 Prague
ASE Prague: Vernisage in Ledeburske Gardens 4.-10.10.2009 Prague
ASE Prague: Welcome Reception in Prague Mayor Residence 4.-10.10.2009 Prague
ASE Prague: Congress sessions at CTU in Prague 4.-10.10.2009 Prague
ASE Prague: Congress events in Hotel Praha 4.-10.10.2009 Prague
EATIS 2009 Prague 3.6.-5.6.2009 Prague
ASE ExCom Prague 4.-10.10.2009 Prague
ROSALINE 2009 Bratislava 20.4.-22.4.2009 Bratislava
ITS Prague '09 30.3.-1.4.2009 KCP Prague
Teleinformatika 2008 24.-26.11.2008 Prague
Satellite navigation & communications on railways 6.10.2008 Dresden, Germany
Czech Telematic Autumn in Bulgaria 17.9.2008 Sofia
Space Industry Day 29.7.2008 Prague
Czech Satellite Toll Day 25.10.2007 Praha
Teleinformatika 2007 – Day 2 2000-2008 Prague
Teleinformatika 2007 – Day 1 2000-2008 Prague
Teleinformatika 2007 – opening ceremony 2000-2008 Prague
Teleinformatika 2006 – Day 2 2000-2008 Prague
Teleinformatika 2006 – Day 1 2000-2008 Prague
Teleinformatika 2006 – opening ceremony 2000-2008 Prague