Space Industry Day

Professional conference on the possibilities of European cooperation in the fields of space industry, satellite navigation and telecommunications.

29. 7. 2008

Ministry of transport of the Czech Republic, Congress Hall


Conference contributions archive was just posted. Contributions can be downloaded here.

Preview quality images from conference can be downloaded here.

Venue of the Conference
Ministry of transport of the Czech Republic, Congress Hall
nábř. L. Svobody 1222/12
110 15 Praha 1
Czech Republic
To display a map with location of the building, click here.
For verbal description of how to get to the Transport Ministry of the Czech Republic click here.
Conference Pragramme
9:00 Security Check at the Ministry entrance, Registration to the Conference
9:30 Conference opening
Aleš Řebíček
Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic
9:45 Czech Space Strategies & Opportunities
Karel Dobeš
Governmental plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic
10:00 Welcome to the "Club"
Thomas Müller
EADS Astrium
10:30 The ESA (European Space Agency) Mandatory Program
Wolfram Lork
EADS Astrium
10:50 Coffee Break
11:20 The ESA Optional Program
Klaus-Peter Ludwig
EADS Astrium
11:40 Procurement
Manfred Hocher
EADS Astrium

Prospects of involvement of the Czech industry in the European space cooperation
Discussion panel, moderated by Roman Srp, ITS&S CZ

Karel Dobeš, Governmental plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic
prof. Miroslav Svítek, ITS&S CZ
Petr Bareš, Czech Space Aliance
Milan Holl, Association of aircraft manufacturers
Thomas Mueller, EADS Astrium
Wolfram Lork, EADS Astrium
Manfred Hocher, EADS Astrium
Klaus-Peter Ludwig, EADS Astrium

13:00 Lunch
13:45 Space industry workshop
One-to-One parallel business meetings, 8 topics, 6 time slots
(20 min. each)
15:45 Conclusion
  The programme can be modified without notice.
Czech - English simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

  Held by
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  Organised by