Ladies and gentlemen,

The main topic of the second international NavAge ‘08 conference, which is held under the auspices of the Czech Parliament, Czech Government, Czech Technical University in Prague and many of Czech Regions on March 26 – 28, 2008 in Prague, is navigation and positioning of persons, vehicles and goods movements in EC countries.

The purpose of the conference is exchange of information among professional public, users, representatives of state administration, local authorities and universities, with the aim of identifying the main aspects and benefits of navigation and positioning for users, economy, safety and environment.

NavAge ’08 conference is held by ITS&S Czech Republic association and TECHNOLOGIES&PROSPERITY magazine in close co-operation with Czech Space Office and the preparatory committee of X. European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC). The NavAge ’08 conference continues the tradition of conferences NavAge ’06, ITS Prague and
ITS Bratislava organized by ITS&S Czech Republic in last years.

A part of NavAge ‘08 conference will be a session of the X. European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) that shall be dealing with
a synergy of Galileo and GMES projects.

We look forward to our meetings in Prague during NavAge ‘08 Prague.

With best regards,

doc. Miroslav Svítek
NavAge ’08 President
Vice-dean of the Faculty
of Transportation Sciences
CTU in Prague

Roman Srp
ITS&S Czech Republic Association

Karel Dobeš
Government Representative
Chairperson of the X. EISC
Preparatory Committee

Vratislav Pavlík
NavAge ’08 Executive