8. 4. 2008
Updated archive of contributions. The conference participants received access credentials via e-mail to the address filled in the registration form.
In case you do not receive the access credentials, please contact us.
17. 3. 2008
The topics of closing discussion of section T6 (Synergy of Galileo and GMES Projects) can be found here.

28. 2. 2008

Publishing of conference programme and starting of binding registrations.

14. 1. 2008

The first of series of the X. European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC)
will be held on March 28, 2008 in Prague and shall be dealing with synergy of Galileo and GMES projects
and their use in application and services.

8. 1. 2008

Meeting of the X. EISC Member of Parliament delegates will be held in NavAge ’08 area
on March 27, 2008.

7. 1. 2008

NavAge ’08 conference will be held on March 26 – 28, 2008 in Prague Congress Centre (KCP Praha)
under the auspices of the Czech Parliament,
Czech Government and Czech Technical University
in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences.