Media Partners
Call for Papers
Electromobility congress invites full papers and short papers within the
framework of its Scientific Section. Accepted full papers will be presented as
a lecture in Scientific Section. Accepted short papers will be presented as
poster in Poster Session. All accepted papers will be published in congress
Paper Requirements
Full papers should not exceed 8 pages. Short papers have to have maximum 4 pages. All correspondence should be in English language. Papers have to be formatted according to the paper template. You can download it here.
Paper Assessment
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. As critical parameters will be
originality, significance, relevance, technical soundness and language clarity.
Paper Publication
Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended papers, which will be further peer-reviewed for potential inclusion in special issue of the:
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
and in the following international journals:
Advances in Military Technology
Neural Networks World
Transportation Letters
Transactions on Transport Sciences
How to Submit your Work
1.   Fill in the registration form.
2.   Prepare your paper according to the paper template.
3   Send it to and wait for confirmation of receiving the file.
30 November 2010   Call for Papers was opened
20 February 2011   Full and Short Papers submission deadline
31 March 2011   Full and Short Papers acceptance notification
26 April 2011   Camera ready Papers
12 – 14 May 2011   Congress days
Main Organizer
Cooperating Institutions
General Partner
Bronze Partner