Robust satellite positioning and ITS in practice
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All Galleries:
Czech- Korea ITS forum 28.5.2015 Rudna
Czech- Korea ITS forum 28.5.2015 Diplomat
Robust Satellite Positioning and ITS in Practice 13. 6. 2014
Robust Satellite Positioning and ITS in Practice 5. 6. 2014
Czech ITS Forum on Super-computing in Transportation 2013
Czech-Austrian Forum on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Robust satellite positioning and ITS in practice
EASY OBU Workshop 2012
Transport Topics Gallery
Czech ITS Forum on D2D Seamless Mobility & Public Transportation Management
Space Technology Course Galery
ASE Prague: Closing Ceremony in Bethlehem Chapel
ASE Prague: Vernisage in Ledeburske Gardens
ASE Prague: Welcome Reception in Prague Mayor Residence
ASE Prague: Congress sessions at CTU in Prague
ASE Prague: Congress events in Hotel Praha
EATIS 2009 Prague
ASE ExCom Prague
ROSALINE 2009 Bratislava
ITS Prague '09
Teleinformatika 2008
Satellite navigation & communications on railways
Czech Telematic Autumn in Bulgaria
Space Industry Day
Czech Satellite Toll Day
Teleinformatika 2007 – Day 2
Teleinformatika 2007 – Day 1
Teleinformatika 2007 – opening ceremony
Teleinformatika 2006 – Day 2
Teleinformatika 2006 – Day 1
Teleinformatika 2006 – opening ceremony