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 Back to Czech Telematic Autumn in Bulgaria

 Czech TEAM - Archive of contributions
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Documents: 15
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Telematic fundamentals, system architecture, applications and benefits (3MB) 08-09-22
prof. Miroslav Svítek
ITS&S Czech Republic
Basic strategies for a successful eGovernment deployment (1MB) 08-09-22
Miroslav Hrubý
The Office for Personal Data Protection, Czech Republic
Benefit of telematic & ICT for production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy (471kB) 08-09-22
Petr Šprync
Management systems for traffic regulation (1MB) 08-09-22
Zdeněk Pliška
Road traffic control systems (6MB) 08-09-22
Vladimír Ketner, Ivana Černá
AŽD Praha
The first part of the presentation will target to telematic and intelligent systems for security and control of the road traffic supplied by AŽD Praha. In the second section systems of wireless communication supplied by Radom will be introduced.
Co-operation of ITS&S Czech Republic members on Czech tolling project (573kB) 08-09-22
Filip Linhart
ITS&S Czech Republic
Sofia Contactless – travelling with cards in PT (11MB) 08-09-22
Vladimír Vojáček
The presentation will describe the new fare collection system currently implemented in Sofia trams and trolley buses, based on contactless smartcards. Advantages for passengers and operator. Fare collection devices and their functions, design of the whole system, managing software, description of points of sale and other workstations. Development of the project, technical solution and main tasks that had to be solved will be also included.
Methodology, modelling and traffic forecasts and investments needed of ERTMS implementation into the railway network of Bulgaria (784kB) 08-09-22
Todor Konstantinov Razmov
National Railway Infrastructure Company, ITS Bulgaria
ITS – Bulgarian Strategy for toll system, traffic management and road safety (273kB) 08-09-22
Atanas Tassev
ITS Bulgaria
ITS applications and perspectives in the road traffic management in Bulgaria (943kB) 08-09-22
Orlin Roussev
ITS Bulgaria
Fleetware – people, cars, information (3MB) 08-09-22
Pavel Dvořák
Fleetware provides solution for managing and dispatching the company´s vehicle fleet. It is possible to integrate Fleetware system to various ERP systems. Adjustable performance enables usage in both small companies and large organisations with hundreds of vehicles. Functionality and reached savings have been confirmed by many of our customers.
Electronic tolling system in the Czech Republic and it’s further development (3MB) 08-09-22
Karel Černý
Kapsch Telematic Services
It will be presented to professionals the current results of toll incomes in the Czech Republic, moreover business model of the tolling project including return of investments and the expectations of the ecomics results. Presented will be also the expansion of the existing tolling system in the next road networks, including implementation of the hybrid tolling solution and it´s pilot project in operations. He will describe next utilization of tolling system, especially on the field of traffic telematic – currently builded-up traffic information system with traffic management system on the Czech most havily used highway (D1) which will improve the traffic security and comfort of the drivers.
Application of satellite navigation and telecommunications in industry (1MB) 08-09-22
Roman Srp
ITS&S Czech Republic
AMSBUS: advance-sale, booking and dispatching system for coach travel (5MB) 08-09-22
Jiří Zdobnický
AMSBUS – system providing sale of transport services of contractual carriers in terms of credential agreements with sellers. Description of partnership options with a view to search out a strategic partner to carry on the system in Bulgaria.
Quality in civil engineering for tunnel safety (152kB) 08-09-22
Marie Fialova, Petr Svoboda
Safety in tunnels are greatly enhanced by correct design and implementation of control system. The basic pre-requisites for a safe and reliable control system are briefly discussed. The basis of design of network topology, redundancy of PLC, redundancy of networks, interlinking with technology, centralized and decentralized control, and HMI interface is outlined.