14. - 16. May 2008
hotel Olšanka Prague


SIRWEC Beginnings
In February 1984 an International Road Weather Conference was held in Delft and in the Hague. The conference was arranged by the committee responsible for COST 30 BIS Theme 2-Detection of weather conditions. This conference was attended by over 50 people from 13 countries. In discussions about concluding COST 30 BIS, the meeting appointed a voluntary steering committee of seven people, on an ad hoc basis, to draw up an agenda for future co-operation. The results from the demonstration, the research work and the conference have proved that there is an urgent need for further research and international co-operation in the field of weather conditions on the roads.
The steering committee met at Birmingham University in September 1984. A constitution for the Standing European Road Weather Commission (SERWEC) was agreed. The constitution was approved by the Second European Road Weather Conference, which was held in Copenhagen from 26th February to 1st March 1985.
SERWEC became International in 1992 in the US, thus changing its name to SIRWEC accordingly.
  Year Conference number City Country
  1984 1st Conference The Hague Netherlands
  1985 2nd Conference Copenhagen Denmark
  1986 3rd Conference Tampere Finland
  1988 4th Conference Florence Italy
  1990 5th Conference Tromsö Norway
  1992 6th Conference Minneapolis USA
  1994 7th Conference Seefeld Austria
  1996 8th Conference Birmingham UK
  1998 9th Conference Lulea Sweden
  2000 10th Conference Davos Switzerland
  2002 11th Conference Sapporo Japan
  2004 12th Conference Bingen Germany
  2006 13th Conference Torino Italy

For more information visit SIRWEC home pages.